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Aren't we a forever thing?

Permanent Jewelry

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SunkissedBabe Goes Permanent!

I've always been the mom running around trying to get everything in place! Leaving the house in a hurry trying to remember if I even remembered everything (Yes, just the way you read it is how it really is). As Im driving away, of course I've left all my jewelry at home! I definitely can't be the only one who feels naked without them! If you're anything like me then you'll come to appreciate permanent jewelry!

What's the Process?

You'll choose the chain that best fits your style then it'll be welded together by a connector ring! Yes it's welded, so that baby isn't go anywhere!  You can add a fun charm that dangles or a charm connector to hold your chain together!


Takes less than 10 minutes- maybe a little more if you're just as extra as I am! 

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